Now showing items 321-340 of 983

    • Croisement manuel du niebe: Guide de recherche de lIita, No. 42 

      Myers, G.O. (1993)
      En matiere d'ameliotation genetique du nie-be, il est rare de trouver un plant ou une variete posse-dant taus les caracteres desires. La tecombinaison des catacteres desires, II partir de sources parentales dis-tinctes, s'obtient en croisant les plants et en effectuant les pollinisations croisees necessaires. L'objet du pre-sent fascicule est de presenter une methode de pollini-sation croisee du niebe mise au point A.
    • Le nonlabour dans les tropiques humides et subhumides dAfrique: Guide de recherche de lIita, No. 3 

      Couper, D.C. (1993)
      Les sols tropicaux sont generalement peu fer-tiles, physiquement fragiles et facilement erodes en l'absence de tapis vegetal. Le labour est pratique dans les tropiques simplement pour lutter contre les adven-tices, mais il contribue it I'erosion acceleree des sols, etant donne qu'un sol cultive est sans protection. L'ero-sion en ravines peut etre rninimisee au moyen de ban-quettes de niveau. L'erosion en nappe peut etre reduite au moyen de la lutte chimique contre les adventices, etant donne que ...
    • Les cicadelles et le virus de la striure du mais (MSV): Guide de recherche de lIita, No. 38 

      Mesfin, T.; Bosque-Pérez, N.A. (1993)
      Apres Ie groupe des pu ce rons , c'est Ie groupe des cicadelles qui cornporte Ie plus grand n ornbr e de vecteurs de virus. Les especes de Cicadulina se rencon• trent da ns les regions tropicales et chaudes du rnonde; elles sont, pour la plupart, d'origine africaine. Le virus de la Stl iure du rnals (MSY), t ra n s rnis par Cica• dulina, est une irnportante con t rainte il la production de rna ls en Afrique. II est facile de cornbattre la striure en pl antant des varietes resistantes il cette ...
    • Presentation visuelle des resultats de recherche: Guide de recherche de lIita, No. 45 

      Zachmann, R.; Siri, C. (1993)
      Des supports visue!s bien elabores vous ai-dent iI mieux communiquer les resultats de vos re-cherches et donnent plus d-impact iI votre expose. Vos recherches seront mieux appreciees. Les supports de mauvaise qualite peuvent avoir une incidence negative meme sur les meilleurs messages. Vous pouvez gacher un expose suite iI la presentation de supports visuels mal prepares, ou iI une mauvaise presentation des sup-ports. Le present document contient un resume des recomman-dations sur la maniere de ...
    • La securite en station de recherche agronomique: Guide de recherche de lIita, No. 44 

      Austin, P.D. (1993)
      II est d ifficile d'assurer la securite en station de recherche; Loutefois, la securite revet une importance toute speciale du fait de la perte des resuJtats de la reo che rche consecutive aux vols de cultures experimen• tales, de materiel et de donnees. Le bUl de la securite esl de proteger les vies el les proprietes. Les fonds con sa• crcs II la securile peuvenl passer pour de l"argenl gas• pille; neanmoins, un seul incidenl peul couter plus que l"ensemble des investissements lies il la securile. ...
    • Security at agricultural research stations 

      Austin, P.D. (1996)
      Research stations are difficult to secure; yet security is especially important, because research results are lost if experimental crops, equipment and data are stolen. Security aims to protect life and proper-ty. Funding for security may seem wasted, but only one incident can cost more than investment in security. Security begins with good relations to the surrounding community. Security includes the establishment of a security force, appropriate station layout and fencing, and correct security ...
    • Irrigation systems for research farms 

      Hartley, P.V. (1996)
      Irrigation is as old as civilization. Irrigation supplements the water available from rainfall and ground water of the real value of irrigation is not so much in preventing a total as getting Maximum yield if irrigation is for profit, the Increase in crop value due to irrigation must be equal to or more than the cost of the irrigation system. Only good management practices bring good results.
    • Landscape design on research stations 

      Butler, A.C. (1996)
      Landscaping of research stations is important for soil conservation, health of staff, privacy, security, and aesthetics. Landscape design gives the first impression of a research station. If the design is efficient and maintenance is regular, few problems arise.
    • Gender analysis in agricultural production 

      Buckland, L.; Haleegoah, J. (1996)
      "Gender" is a concept used in social sciences to look at roles and activities of men and women. These roles are often socially defined, and shaped by the traditions and beliefs of a particular culture. While women contribute between 60-80 % of agricultural production in developing countries, women farmers are least likely to benefit from agricultural extension services and technologies that could improve their production. Therefore, theoretical and methodological work in gender analysis in agriculture ...
    • Preservation of genetic resources by seed storage 

      Ng, N.Q. (1996)
      Several ways exist of maintaining the genetic resources of crops. The cheapest and most convenient way is by storing seeds. However, not all crops can be preserved by storing their seeds, because they are either vegetatively propagated and/or do not produce seeds, or the period of their seed viability is short. Maximizing the longevity of seeds requires a good seed store and knowledge of the principles of seed preservation. This document discusses types of seed, techniques for preparing seeds for ...
    • Nutrition and quality of maize 

      Okoruwa, A.; Kling, J. (1996)
      Maize is a major cereal crop. Worldwide, wheat, maize, and rice are produced in greater quantities than any other crop. Of these crops, maize has the highest average yield per hectare. Maize is a good source of energy for both humans and animals. It is high-yielding, easy to process and readily digested. Maize is deficient in lysine and tryptophan, however, consumption with a legume improves protein quality in the diet. The oil is of good quality. Varieties differ in physical and chemical properties ...
    • Mechanized minimum and notill crop production for research farms 

      Claassen, S.L. (1996)
      Minimum-tillage has several advantages over conventional tillage. It is especially beneficial for tropical soils, which are easily ruined by conventional tillage operations. Minimum-tillage, strip-tillage and no-till farming can also save energy and labor costs.
    • Sustainable agroforestry systems for the tropics; concepts and examples 

      Kang, B.T. (1996)
      Integration of woody species with annual crops in agroforestry (AF) systems can enhance sustainability of production systems in the humid and subhumid tropics under low-input conditions. Agro-forestry has short and long-term protective and socioeconomic benefits. The various agroforestry systems can he classified based on the main component of the systems. Their structural arrangements, and based also on their functional attributes and socioeconomic scale of management and input use. Stable ...
    • Labor requirement in assessment of technologies 

      Dvorak, K.A. (1996)
      Family labor is a valuable and "scarce" resource. It is through the application of labor that the farming family is able to use natural resources such as soil, water, vegetation and climate and purchased in• puts such as fertilizer, chemicals, and tools. In developing an improved technology to increase productivity or enhance sustainability, the labor requirements must be evaluated. For full understanding of the labor requirement for an indigenous or improved technology, seasonality and specialization ...
    • Exploratory surveys in research planning 

      Dvorak, K.A.; Izac, A. (1996)
      Key- informant surveys and village-level group interviews are methods for conducting socioeconomic inventories of resource management and resource availability in farming systems. This document offers suggestions for designing Questions and conducting interviews with discussions on applications of each type of survey. The document also includes sample surveys.
    • Hand crossing of cowpeas 

      Myers, G.O. (1996)
      In genetic improvement of cowpea, one plant or variety rarely has every desirable characteristic. The recombination of desirable characteristics from different parental sources is achieved by crossing plants and the necessary cross pollinations. This document presents a method for the cross pollination of cowpea developed at UTA.
    • Gestion du materiel de labour dans les stations agricoles 

      Claassen, S.L. (1996)
      L'objectif du labour est de creer un environnement propice a la germination des semences et au developpement racinaire et de lutter contre les adventices. La recherche a demontre que, sur les sols tropicaux, Ie labour ne sert qu'a lutter contre les adventices. En general, Ie labour abime Ie sol. n est preferable d'utiliser des moyens de lutte chimique. Dans beaucoup de pays Africains, toutefois, les herbicides ne sont pas disponibles et Ie labour traditionnel s'avere toujours necessaire. Le labour ...
    • Macrocharacterization of agricultural systems in Central Africa: an overview 

      Manyong, Victor M.; Smith, J.; Weber, S.S.; Jagtap, S.S.; Oyewole, B. (1996)
    • Management of soybean diseases 

      Akem, C. (1996)
      More than 100 pathogens attack soybean, but only a third of them are of economic importance. Yield reduction varies between 10 % and 30 %. Soybean diseases are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and nematodes. Disease management is based on several control principles that should be combined preferably in an integrated pest management approach.