Now showing items 721-740 of 977

    • IITA Crop Improvement Division; plantain and banana improvement program: Annual Report 1995 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1997)
    • Introduction and diffusion of cassava in Africa: IITA research guide, No. 49 

      Carter, S.; Fresco, L.; Jones, P.; Fairbairn, J. (1997)
      From the 15th to the 17th centuries, Portuguese explorers established forts, trading stations and settlements on the Mrican coasts and nearby islands. Prior to 1600 they began to introduce cassava at these points. From there it was diffused by Mricans, to reach many parts of the interior over the space of two to three hundred years. Cassava is now found in almost all parts of tropical Africa where conditions are suitable for its cultivation. In the course of its spread across the continent, cassava ...
    • Physiology of cassava: IITA research guide, No. 55 

      Ekanayake, I.; David, S.; Marcio, C. (1998)
    • Morphology and growth of plantain and banana: IITA research guide, No. 66 

      Swennen, R.; Ortiz, R. (1997)
      Plantain and banana (Musa s pp.J are giant perennial herbs which originated in Southeast Asia. Musa is an important food crop in the humid forest and mid-altitude ecologies of sub-Saharan Africa. Several criteria are used to distinguish the different types of cultivated plantain and banana, evolved from M . acu-minata and M. balbisiana. The corm is the real stem of the Musa plant and produces 10-15 buds, which may develop into branches called suckers. Suckers are used as planting material. Foliage ...
    • Traditional processing and utilization of cassava in Africa: IITA research guide, No. 41 

      Hahn, S.K. (1997)
      Cassava is playing a major role in African food systems. Processing of cassava has several objectives and advantages. Traditionally, cassava is processed into many products. However, several constraints affect cassava processing. Cyanide content in the roots is a major limitation of cassava utilization, but can be reduced by appropriate processing. Traditional processing does not require sophisticated equipment, but storage requirement of the processed products are critical. At many locations, ...
    • Improving storage life of plantain and banana: IITA research guide, No. 62 

      Shaun, R.; Ferris, R. (1997)
      Plantain and banana are important food crops in the humid zone of sub-saharan Africa. A major problem of plantain and banana is that the fruits are highly perishable. Researchers, therefore, look for ways to extend storage life. Several methods can be used to extend storage life. The most important physiological functions affecting product quality during storage are respiration and transpiration,. To extend storage life, these functions should be reduced. This can be done by controlling temperature, ...
    • Banana and plantain 

      Horry, J.; Ortiz, R.; Arnaud, Elizabeth; Crouch, J.; Ferris, R.; Jones, D.; Mateo, N.; Picq, C.; Vuylsteke, D. (1997)
    • Screening for abiotic stress resistance in root and tuber crops: IITA research guide, No. 68 

      Ekanayake, I. (1998)
      The main abiotic stress factors affecting root and tuber crops in sub-Saharan Africa are drought, waterlogging, temperature extremes, solar radiation extremes, and nutrient imbalances. To reduce the effects of abiotic stress, researchers breed crops that have high levels of resistance to the relevant stress factors. Researchers identify traits that confer resistance to stress factors. Genotypes with desirable traits are selected by screening, and used to breed populations with improved resistance.
    • Food yams: advances in research 

      Orkwor, G.C.; Asiedu, Robert; Ekanayake, I. (1998)
    • Central yet peripheral: the rural woman farmer and issues of African development 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1999)
    • Alley farming: an annotated bibliography 

      Kang, B.T.; Adedigba, Y.; Osiname, O.; Akinifesi, F.K. (1998)
    • Seed production of hybrid maize: IITA research guide, No. 59 

      Kim, S.K.; Kling, J.; Weber, G. (1999)
      Hybrid maize seed was the first commercially available F1 seed. Inbred lines serve as parents for commercial production of single-cross hybrid seed. Cooperation between seed companies, research institutes, and government institutions is essential to the successful development of productive hybrids. Commercial hybrid seed production requires proper ecological location, agronomic practices, pest and disease control. Additional elements necessary for a successful hybrid seed industry include seed ...
    • Multiplication rapide du manioc 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1997)
    • Rapport Annuel IITA 1996 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1997)
    • IITA Annual Report 1996 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1997)
    • Rapport Annuel IITA 1997 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1998)
    • IITA Annual Report 1997 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1998)
    • IITA Annual Report 1998 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1999)
    • Enabling agricultural transformation through climate change policy engagement 

      Kuntashula, E.; Chibwe, T.; Chabala, L.M. (Elsevier, 2018)
      Climate change effects are evident in agriculture and hence climate-smart approaches are gaining ground in southern Africa. Governments are beginning to respond by putting in place the required policies guiding investment, development, and building long-term adaptive measure in production systems. Subregional organizations and international organization including the United Nations are among the leaders in shaping the policy discussions that are going on. Although most countries have good agricultural ...
    • Adaptive livestock production models for rural livelihoods transformation 

      Murungweni, C.; Tada, O.; Nhamo, N. (Elsevier, 2017)
      Over 60% of land in southern Africa is suitable for livestock production and the contribution to gross domestic product is about 36%. Livestock play important roles in rural livelihood systems including food provision like meat and milk, services like draught power and transport, nutrient supply through manure, and key sociocultural roles like bride price and household firm. However, climate change threatens livestock industry through loss of feed-base, increased disease incidences, and increased ...