Now showing items 561-580 of 977

    • Biotechnology research at IITA: an introductory Booklet 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1992)
    • Les pulverisateurs en station de recherche agronomique: guide de recherche de lIita, No. 16 

      Claassen, S.L. (1992)
      Les pestieides s'averent efficaces il condition d'etre appliques correctement. Seul un bon produit uti-lise i!. la concentration et en quantites adequates, au moment opportun, et Ii!. ou ille faut, pourra garantir une application de qualite. Les equipements de pulverisa-tion sont couteux et ne peuvent done subir des deteriora-tions imputables il la negligence de l'utilisate
    • The art of the informal agricultural survey: IITA research guide, No. 36 

      Rhoades, R.E. (1992)
      The informal survey is cheap, practical and fast. It can give an accurate comprehension of local farming ecologies and practices. Informal surveys can be used for feasibility studies, for preparing formal surveys, and for direct planning of on-farm trials. This document gives some basic guidelines on how to conduct informal surveys.
    • Operations agricoles dans les fermes experimentales: guide de recherche de lIita, No. 18 

      Couper, D.C. (1992)
      Les chercheurs doivent avoir acces aux don-nees de champ pour s'assurer que leurs traitements ex-perimentaux ne sont ni masques, ni affectes par I'utilisation prealable des parcelIes. Lea champs expe-rimentaux doivent etre identifies sur place et des don-nees doivent etre correctement relevees sur toutes les operations et tous les traitements. De nombreuses pro-cedures elaborees a I'IITA permettent d'enregistrer les donnees avec rigueur et d'ameliorer ainsi la precision des travaux de rec.
    • Future Climate Projections in Africa: Where Are We Headed? 

      Girvetz, Evan; Ramírez Villegas, Julián; Claessens, Lieven; Lamanna, Christine; Navarro-Racines, Carlos; Nowak, Andreea; Thornton, Philip K.; Rosenstock, Todd S. (Springer, 2019)
      This paper offers an overview of how climate change is already affecting farmers across eastern and southern Africa, and how it will continue to affect them in the future. The rising temperatures and increased rainfall variability associated with climate change are undermining the livelihoods and food security of Africa’s farmers, most of whom work at a subsistence level and also face problems of poverty, inadequate infrastructure and poor governance. To address these problems, governments and ...
    • The Role of Multi-Stakeholder Platforms for Creating an Enabling Climate Change Policy Environment in East Africa 

      Acosta, Mariola; Ampaire, Edidah; Muchunguzi, Perez; Okiror, John Francis; Rutting, Lucas; Mwongera, Caroline; Twyman, Jennifer; Shikuku, Kelvin Mashisia; Winowiecki, Leigh Ann; Läderach, Peter; Mwungu, Chis M.; Jassogne, Laurence (Springer, 2019)
      Research-based evidence on the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices is vital to their effective uptake, continued use and wider diffusion. In addition, an enabling policy environment at the national and regional levels is necessary for this evidence to be used effectively. This chapter analyzes a 4-year period of continuous policy engagement in East Africa in an attempt to understand the role of multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs) in facilitating an enabling policy environment for climate ...
    • One Size Does Not Fit All: Private-Sector Perspectives on Climate Change, Agriculture and Adaptation 

      Sloan, Kealy; Teague, Elizabeth; Talsma, Tiffany; Daniels, Stephanie; Bunn, Christian; Jassogne, Laurence; Lundy, Mark (Springer, 2019)
      Smallholder farmers around the globe are facing unstable productivity due to changing climate and weather patterns. The ways in which the private sector supports these farmers to build resilience to and/or engage in efforts to mitigate climate change can have significant impact on farmer livelihoods, security of supply of smallholder crops, and the reputation of the private sector actors drawing loyalty of end consumers and investors (Campbell (2013) Feed the future learning agenda literature ...
    • Household Welfare Effects of Stress-Tolerant Varieties in Northern Uganda 

      Mwungu, Chis M.; Mwongera, Caroline; Shikuku, Kelvin Mashisia; Acosta, Mariola; Ampaire, Edidah; Winowiecki, Leigh Ann; Läderach, Peter (Springer, 2019)
      This study assessed the adoption of stress-tolerant varieties and their effect on household welfare, measured by net crop income per capita in Nwoya District, Uganda. The stress-tolerant varieties were considered to be climate-smart because they stabilise and increase crop income in the presence of climatic shocks. However, the uptake of the stress-tolerant varieties was still low in northern Uganda, due to bad past experience in terms of the performance of other improved varieties. Using data ...
    • IITA Annual Report 1976 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1977)
    • IITA Annual Report 1977 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1978)
    • IITA Annual Report 1978 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1979)
    • Le point de la recherche a l IITA 1978 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1979)
    • IITA Research highlights 1978 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1979)
    • IITA Annual Report 1979 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1980)
    • IITA Annual Report 1980 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1981)
    • IITA Research Highlights 1980 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1981-06)
    • IITA Annual Report 1982 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1983)
    • IITA Annual Report 1981 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1982)
    • IITA Research Highlights 1981 

      International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (1982-05)