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Books and Book Chapters: Recent submissions
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IITA Research No 10
(1995) -
Effect of banana leaf pruning on legume yield in bananalegume intercropping systems in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
(2013)As a result of declining farm/plot size and increasing food security needs, intercropping is practised by the majority of small-scale farmers in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. A banana-1egume intercropping experiment was conducted at the Mulungu Research Station in South Kivu Province to evaluate whether banana leaf pruning improves legume biomass and grain yield without reducing banana production. Treatments consisted of combinations of three different levels of banana leaf pruning (maintain ... -
(2013) -
Les maladies des plantes a racines et tubercules (igname et manioc); biologie, identification et lutte: Guide de recherche et de formation IDESSA, Prt 13
(1995)Ce guide de formation presente les problems majeurs, qui font obstacle a l'intensification de l'igname en Afrique. Les plus graves connus, aussi bien au champ que Durant la conservation des tubercules, sont occasionnes par les nematodes (galles, boursouflures), les champignons (syndrome du Betrissement et pourritures de tubercules), et les viroses (mosaique africaine, IBS). A la suite de cet inventaire des maladies foliaires et des tubercules, diverses methods de lute, permettant une gestion ... -
Introduction et diffusion du manioc en Afrique: Guide de recherche de lIita, No. 49
(1994)Du XVe au XVIIe siecles, les explorateurs portugais ont etabli des forts, des comptoirs commerce-aux et des colonies sur les cotes africaines et les iles voisines. Avant 1600, ils ont commence a introduire le manioc dans ces zones.A partir de la, celui-ci a ete diffuse par les Africains vers de nombreuses regions de l'interieur en l'espace de deux a trios cents ans. A present, on trouve le conditions sont propices a sa culture . Lors de sa propagation a travers le continent, le manioc a remplace ... -
Land clearing for agricultural research stations: IITA research guide, No. 5
(1994)Large areas of land are presently cleared of their natural cover, endangering the worldwide ecosystem. Land clearing, if necessary, should be carried out with great care after very careful consideration. Different land types require different clearing techniques. Often, soil needs to be stabilized after clearing. All clearing processes require training of persons involved. -
Field varietal screening against African rice gall midge: IITA research guide, No. 34
(1994)The African rice gall midge (ARGM) is an insect pest of rice in Africa which has recently attained outbreak levels in many African countries. Infestation can result in total crop failure. The use of insecticides to control the pest has several disadvantages. Cultivation of resistant varieties is the best control method. However, resistance is location specific. Screening for resistance over three to four year at the same location helps to identify resistant varieties for use by farmers. -
Rapid multiplication of cassava: IITA research guide, No. 51
(1994)Cassava has a low multiplication ratio compared with other crops, especially seed-propagated crops. Rapid multiplication techniques are available to increase the multiplication ratio. Three types of ministem cuttings can be produced from a cassava stem. After sprouting in nursery beds, or polythene bags without soil, the ministems can be planted into the field to produce normal cassava plants from which cassava cuttings can be prepared for distribution to farmers. -
Ressources aquatiques en station de recherche agricole: Guide de recherche de lIita No. 23
(1994)Toute station de recherche a besoin d'eau. II se peut que Ie service public local d'approvision• nement en eau ne soit pas fiable. On peut avoir besoin de reservoirs en terre. Une station de recherche peut avoir besoin de rnettre en place son propre systeme d'approvisionnement en eau en construisant des puits ou des barr. -
La construction et lentretien des routes dans les stations experimentales: Guide de recherche de Iiita No. 20
(1994)Les bonnes routes peuvent empecher des degats couteux sur les machines. On peut eviter leur erosion en les concevant et construisant convenablement. Les routes en terre doivent etre continuellement entretenues. L'entrtien est facile quand on l'effectue correctement etde facon routiniere. -
Dealing with the issues of our times
(1994-06) -
Mango Cultivation in Burkina Faso
(2012)Considering the different commodities, the mango production plays a major role in terms of realization of food security and improvement of the livelihood of the rural populations in Burkina. Mango represents about 50% of the fruit production in Burkina Faso and plays an important nutritional role for populations living in rural area as a fruit crop and also as a subsistence crop for family farms. The major mango growing areas are located in the Southwest part providing 75% of the national mango ... -
Soybean utilization in Nigeria
(International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 1987-06) -
Taxonomy and classification of cacao
(Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 2018)