Now showing items 121-140 of 977

    • Assessment of the current agricultural finance sector with a major focus on cocoa: bank of Ghana (BOG) policy and strategies for financing sustainable agricultural value chains 

      Dalaa, M.; Kofituo, R.K.; Annan, H.; Kortei, A.; Asare, R. (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2019)
    • Policy document and brief for engagement with government and private sector in cocoa: a case of Ghana 

      Dalaa, M.; Asare, R.; Mensah, C.; Naponen, M.; Saeed, A. (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2019)
    • Enthusiasm of actors within the groundnut value chain sharing impact stories in Uganda 

      Akpo, E.; Ojiewo, C.O.; Omoigui, L.O.; Rubyogo, J.C.; Varshney, R.K. (Springer International Publishing, 2020)
      The role of women in traditional African homes is often considered subordinate than that of men. Women in most cases are expected to look after the household and the children and ensure food security while men, on the other hand, are tasked with ensuring financial security. In Uganda, women contribute to 53% agricultural labor force; this is because they have limited access to land and thus resort to offering labor to farm owners. Tropical Legumes projects has strived to empower women through ...
    • Empowered communities tell their own stories from common bean production in Uganda 

      Akpo, E.; Ojiewo, C.O.; Omoigui, L.O.; Rubyogo, J.C.; Varshney, R.K. (Springer International Publishing, 2020)
      Most smallholder farmers in Uganda often opt to farm the more popular crops which include coffee, plantain, cassava, sweet potatoes, and maize. Smallholder bean farming in Uganda is however overtaking the crops as farmers are seeing the potential that bean farming possesses. Women in the traditional Ugandan setting are considered as care givers and are tasked with ensuring food security. In Northern Uganda for instance, women are not entitled to inheriting land. When it comes to land sharing, women ...
    • Guide to rice production in northern Nigeria 

      Kamai, N.; Omoigui, L.O.; Kamara, A.Y.; Ekeleme, F. (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2020-03)
    • Common bean value chain actors share their feeling about TL projects in Tanzania 

      Akpo, E.; Ojiewo, C.O.; Omoigui, L.O.; Rubyogo, J.C.; Varshney, R.K. (Springer International Publishing, 2020)
      Apart from groundnut, Tropical Legumes I, II, and III also focused on common beans in Tanzania. In early April 2018, we visited Selian Agricultural Research Institute in Arusha, which is in the Northeast of Tanzania, and about 100 km from the Kenyan border. We also visited Mbeya, a town in the Southwest of Tanzania, just about 100 km from both Malawi and Zambia borders. Here, we found the first collaborator of Michael Kilango at Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute-Uyole who took us to meet ...
    • Concluding remarks: the tropical legumes projects empowered communities in a wide variety of assets 

      Akpo, E.; Ojiewo, C.O.; Omoigui, L.O.; Rubyogo, J.C.; Varshney, R.K. (Springer International Publishing, 2020)
      After 12 years of activity, the Tropical Legumes (TL) projects come to an end the year 2019. In addition to quantitative impact assessment, this publication brings to light various stakeholders’ own words about the kind of benefits they have made thanks to the TL projects. Research institutions, management and technical staff, extension services, NGOs, public and private seed companies, agro-dealers, farmer cooperatives, farmer groups, individual seed entrepreneurs, farmers, women farmers, processors, ...
    • Breeding climate-resilient bananas 

      Brown, A.; Carpentier, S.C.; Swennen, R. (Springer International Publishing, 2020-02-28)
      The impact of global climate change is expected to have the most significant effects on small-scale farmers in subtropical and tropical regions of the world without access to irrigation where banana is grown as an important staple crop. As a consequence, banana breeding needs to re-evaluate priorities and dedicate resources toward producing drought-tolerant cultivars. Specific challenges to breeding bananas for drought stress include the plants’ perennial nature, non-seasonal flowering, physical ...
    • Sowing legume seeds, reaping cash: a renaissance within communities in sub-Saharan Africa 

      Akpo, E.; Ojiewo, C.O.; Omoigui, L.O.; Rubyogo, J.C.; Varshney, R.K. (Springer International Publishing, 2020)
      The smallholder farmers’ access to the outputs of the breeding programs’ achievements has been very weak and hence calls for effective, more coherent, and wellarticulated design of technology and seed delivery systems of food legume crops. The Tropical Legumes projects responded to this need. This book shares impact stories and testimonies from various value chain actors who were part of the Tropical Legumes (TL) projects over the past 12 years. It presents the experiences of a diversity of actors ...
    • Farmers’ guide to management of aflatoxins in maize and groundnuts in Africa 

      Atehnkeng, J..; Augusto, J.; Senghor, L.A.; Akande, A.; Akello, J.; Mutegi, C.; Ortega-Beltran, A.; Cotty, p.; Bandyopadhyay, R. (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2017)
    • Guide to maize production in northern Nigeria 

      Kamara, A.; Kamai, N.; Omoigui, L.; Togola, A.; Ekeleme, F.; Onyibe, J.E. (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2020)
    • Cassava mosaic viruses (Geminiviridae) 

      Legg, J.; Winter, S. (Elsevier, 2020)
    • Plant resistance to Geminiviruses 

      Patil, B.L.; Chakraborty, S.; Czosnek, H.; Fiallo-Olive, E.; Gilbertson, R.L.; Legg, J.; Mansoor, S.; Navas-Castillo, J.; Naqvi, R.Z.; Rahman, S.; Zerbini, F.M. (Elsevier, 2020)
    • Guide sur la production du niebe en Afrique de l'Ouest 

      Omoigui, L.O.; Kamara, A.Y.; Batieno, J.; Iorlamen, T.; Kouyate, Z.; Yirzagla, J.; Garba, U.; Diallo, S. (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2018)
    • Guide to cowpea production in west Africa 

      Omoigui, L.O.; Kamara, A.Y.; Batieno, J.; Iorlamen, T.; Kouyate, Z.; Yirzagla, J.; Garba, U.; Diallo, S. (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2018)
    • Effectiveness of communication channels on level of awareness and determinants of adoption of improved common bean technologies among smallholder farmers in Tanzania 

      Lugamara, C.B.; Urassa, J.K.; Nguezet, P.M.D.; Masso, C. (Springer International Publishing, 2019)
      Increased legume productivity contributes to nutritional security as they are a source of cheap proteins. However, there is limited access to information on improved legume technologies among smallholder farmers in resource poor countries such as Tanzania. This chapter is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of communication channels (i.e. demonstration plots, farmer field days, technological briefs) on level of awareness and the determinants of adoption of improved common bean technologies among ...
    • Integrated livestock feed interventions 

      Lukuyu, B.; Marwa, L.; Rubanza, C.; Kimaro, A.; Mutungi, C. (Africa RISING, 2019)
    • Recipes for commonly consumed foods in Eswatini 

      Maziya-Dixon, B.; Mdziniso, P.; Jele, B.; Dlamini, N.; Nkwanyana, A.; Tsabedze, N.; Oguntona, T. (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2019)
    • Eswatini food: composition table 

      Maziya-Dixon, B.; Mdziniso, P.; Jele, B.; Zwane-Mdaka, S.; Ndwandwe, B.; Simelane, G.; Tsabedze-Zwane, N.; Sibiya, T.E.; Oguntona, T. (Ministry of Agriculture, 2019)