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Journal and Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1781-1800 of 5273
Infection of wheat seed by Pyrenophora triticirepentis
(1994)The seed infection process of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, incitant of tan spot of wheat, was investigated, as were several influencing factors. Following inoculation of the wheat spike, P. tritici-repentis gained access to the seed by first colonizing the glume, lemma, or d after inoculation, and palea. Seed infection was first observed 3 infection incidence increased with time and with inoculum concentration. Wheat seeds were susceptible to infection by this fungus throughout most of their ... -
Alley farming research at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
(1994)Alley agriculture in Africa. In Alley cropping, food crops are grown in alleys formed by hedgerows of trees or shrubs, preferably legumes. The hedgerows are cut back at planting and at intervals during cropping to provide mulch and manure for crops growing in the alleys, and to prevent shading and to reduce competition with associated food crops. The incorporation of small ruminants production by the International Livestock Center in Africa (ILCA) (Okali and Sumberg, 1985) into the alley cropping ... -
Importation, releases, and establishment of Neochetina spp. (col., curculionidae) for the biological control of water hyacinth, Eichhomia crassipes CLil., Pontederiaceae), Benin, West Africa
(1994)Water hyacinth,Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms-Laubach (Pontederiaceae) was first reported in Bénin in 1977 and about 10 years later became the major floating water weed in the south east, obstructing boat traffic and fisheries. Water hyacinth multiplies in permanently fresh water in the swampy upper reaches of the Sô River and in tributaries of the Ouémé River. From there it is moved by wind and water flow to the coastal lagoons. The coastal lagoons are brackish during the dry season and ... -
Stepwise approach to alley cropping technology development and transfer in the forest zone of Cameroon
(1994)Two projects on alley cropping research and development have been implemented in the Forest zone of Cameroon (FZC) since 1988. Their goal was to identify the main agricultural constraints in the FZC and to introduce alley cropping in the farming systems to improve soil fertility and crop yields. The first step in the implementation process was the participatory surveys which revealed that (a) the main agricultural constraint in the FZC is low soil fertility; (b) alley cropping is an agroforestry ... -
Effect of agroforestry woody species on earthwarm activities and physicochemical properties of warm casts
(1994)The effects of five agroforestry woody species (Dactyladenia barteri, Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala, Senna siamea andTreculia africana) on the surface aasting activity ofHyperiodrilus africanus were studied in an Alfisol (Oxic Paleustalf) in southwestern Nigeria. Casting activity under the woody species decreased in the following order:Dactyladenia sp. (26.4 Mg ha-1 year-1)>Gliricidia sp. (24.4 Mg ha-1 year-1)>Treculia sp. (22.9 Mg ha-1 year-1)>Leucaena sp. (18.6 Mg ha-1 year-1)>Senna ... -
Residue fractionation and decomposition: the significance of the active fraction
(1994)This paper describes an incubation experiment with homogeneously 14C labeled maize-straw and its insoluble fraction. The role of the soluble fraction in the decomposition process was assessed, using three independently measured characteristics: (1) fractionation of the maize-straw, resulting in kinetically different fractions; (2) microbial biomass C and its 14C activity determined by a fumigation extraction method, and (3) the 14C activity of the released CO2-C. The fumigation extraction method ... -
Availability and use of CDROM products in Nigerian libraries and information centers
(1994)A study was conducted to find out the types of CD products in Nigerian libraries and information centres, and the uses to which they are being put. The study also tried to find out the sources of funding of such products, information about users, hardware configuration, and training facilities available in the country. Of the 157 questionnaires sent out, 85 usable returns (a 54% response rate) were received. The analysis revealed that 44 libraries had at least one PC with only nine of such centres ... -
Diploid potato germplasm derived from wild and landrace genetic resources
(1994)Diploid cultivated species, haploids derived from tetraploid cultivars, and their wildSolanum relatives were used to generate various diploid potato genetic stocks. These stocks have significant value in potato breeding because: 1) genetic diversity in the potato population can be kept variable with the diploid germplasm which confers genetic variation from wild and cultivated species; 2) crossability of this diploid germplasm is facilitated by the function of 2n gametes; and 3) high levels of ... -
Relative roles of wind, crop seeds, and cattle in the dispersal of Striga species
(1994)In field trials conducted in Nigeria during 1991-92, the factors affecting the seed dispersal of Striga spp. were evaluated. Petrolatum-coated microscope slides placed at regular intervals from S. hermonthica plants and suspended from trees at 1-, 2- and 3-m above-ground heights within and around infested fields indicated that distribution of seeds of this weed by wind was not extensive. The max. horizontal distance away from S. hermonthica plants that seeds were caught was 12 m, and the max. ... -
Preliminary evaluation of secondary Musa polyploids at IITA breeding station
(1994)Secondary triploids were produced by crossing primary tetraploids with selected diploid partners and the parthenocarpic banana (Galeo). Comparisons between secondary tetraploids and secondary triploids showed that the secondary tetraploids generally had lower yields than secondary triploids. The percentage of clones selected was also higher in the secondary triploids than for secondary tetraploids, which demonstrates the more efficient breeding potential of the former. Nevertheless some resistant ... -
Impacts of agricultural management practices on soybean and corn crops evident in groundtruth data and thematic mapper vegetation indices
(1994)Vegetation indices from Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) observations on single dates in August 1988, a drought year, and August 1989, a year with wet early season conditions, were used to study the impact of agricultural management and cultural practices on soybean (Glycine max) and corn (Zea mays) crop growth and yield. Management and cultural practices studied included date of planting, tillage, soil association, drainage, plant density, and stress factors. Crop ground-truth information consisted ... -
Thematic mapper vegetation indices for determining soybean and corn growth parameters
(1994-04)The use of thematic mapper data to study crop growth parameters has primarily been conducted with hand-held and truck-mounted radiometers. In addition, most studies have not used mid-infrared bands to develop vegetation indices. This study used Landsat thematic mapper data and crop parameter data from corn and soybean fields in northern Ohio (1) to develop plant-water sensitive vegetation indices that included the mid-infrared, near-infrared, and red bands; and (2) to compare the ability of different ... -
Landsat 5 thematic mapper models of soybean and corn crop characteristics
(1994)This study used Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) data to develop empirical models for determining soybean and corn crop yield, leaf area index, wet biomass, dry biomass and plant height. Ground-truth data was obtained from more than 50 commercial farms in Ohio, USA, during 1988 and 1989. Several significant linear, non-linear, logarithmic, exponential, and power models were developed. The best soybean models generally comprised of information from the commonly-used bands 3 and 4. TM data for the ... -
Biological control of the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), in Zambia
(1994)Surveys were carried out in Zambia twice yearly from 1986 to 1990, to assess the impact of a biological control campaign against the cassava mealybug (CM), Phenacoccus manihoti Mat.-Ferr., throughout the infested area. From 1984 onward, the exotic parasitoid Epidinocarsis lopezi (De Santis) (Hym., Encyrtidae) and some exotic coccinellid predators were released on 54 occasions along the spreading front of CM infestation. E. lopezi established in every release site, spread, and covered the entire ... -
Variability of chloroplast DNA and nuclear ribosomal DNA in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and its wild relatives
(1994)Chloroplast DNA (cp) and nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) variation was investigated in 45 accessions of cultivated and wild Manihot species. Ten independent mutations, 8 point mutations and 2 length mutations were identified, using eight restriction enzymes and 12 heterologous cpDNA probes from mungbean. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis defined nine distinct chloroplast types, three of which were found among the cultivated accessions and six among the wild species. Cladistic analysis ... -
Influence of leaf age, soil moisture, VPD and time of day on leaf conductance of various Musa genotypes in a Humid Forest Moist Savanna transition site
(1994)Leaf age effects on the leaf conductance to water vapour diffusion of the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces were measured in the morning and in the afternoon on 17 different plantain and banana (Musa spp.) genotypes. The irradiance levels increased three-fold while leaf to air vapour pressure deficit levels increased two- to four-fold from morning to afternoon during the sampling period in a field site located in the humid forest-moist savanna transition zone of Nigeria. Conductance values were ... -
Genetic diversity of wild, weedy and cultivated acccessions of Brassica rapa
(1995)Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs) were used to study the genetic diversity within and between accessions of 'wild' and cultivated B. rapa. Two of the wild accessions were likely to be escapes from cultivation because of their geographical origins (Argentina and California). The nature of the other three wild accessions (from Turkey, Algeria and Sicily) was not known. Principal components analysis placed the Argentinian, Californian and Turkish accessions within a cluster which ... -
The use of RAPD for identifying and classifying Musa germplasm
(1994)Using the technique of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), we have identified 116 amplification products in Musa germplasm using nine primers. This has enabled us to identify RAPD markers that are specific to each of nine genotypes of Musa representing AA, AAA, AAB, ABB, and BB genomes. The pattern of variation observed following the application of multivariate analyses to the RAPDs banding data is very similar to the pattern of variation defined using morphological characters and used to ... -
Effect of herbicide and handweeding on current and subsequent season Striga hermonthica density on sorghum
(1994)Striga hermonthica is an important cause of yield loss in sorghum in the semi‐arid zone of Africa. Two trials were conducted in northern Cameroon to evaluate the effect of herbicides for two cropping seasons on densities of emerged Striga in treatment years and on densities of Striga seed and plants in subsequent years. Herbicide application using 2,4‐D, triclopyr, paraquat, and bromoxynil and urea solution (20%) was compared with hand‐weeding of Striga and an unweeded control. Reduction of emerged ... -
Impact of novel far‐infrared frying technique on quality aspects of chicken nuggets and frying medium
(2019-03-24)The impact of far‐infrared and conventional heaters on heat distribution and physicochemical qualities of chicken nuggets and frying medium were investigated. For chicken nuggets, moisture content, fat content, color (L*, a*, and b*), and texture characteristics were determined, while free fatty acid (FFA), peroxide value (PV), total polar materials (TPMs), and color were used to measure the quality of frying oil. A higher heating rate and more uniform heat distribution were observed in the ...