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dc.contributor.authorKamara, A.Y.
dc.contributor.authorEkeleme, F.
dc.contributor.authorOmoigui, L.O.
dc.contributor.authorChikoye, D.
dc.identifier.citationKamara, A.Y., Ekeleme, F., Omoigui, L.O. & Chikoye, D. (2011). Influence of nitrogen fertilization on yield and yield components of rain-fed lowland NERICA rice in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(13), 3092-3097.
dc.description.abstractThis study evaluated the response of four rain-fed lowland New Rice for Africa (NERICA) varieties (NERICA-L-12, NERICA-L-41, NERICA-L-42 and NERICA-L-56) and a popularly grown Oryza sativa (ITA 150) to nitrogen (0, 30, and 100 kg N ha-1). The interactions between nitrogen and variety were not significant for all measured traits. Grain yields of the NERICAs were higher than the yield of ITA 150 (check) by 0.5 to 1.0 mg ha-1. When pooled across N rates and years, yield differences among the NERICAs were not significant. Grain yield response to nitrogen was linear. At 100 kg N ha-1, grain yield was significantly increased by 3.0 and 1.5 mg ha-1 over the yields at 0 and 30 kg N ha-1 respectively. Since grain yield response to N application was linear, further studies are recommended to determine the optimum rate of N for rain-fed lowland NERICA rice production.
dc.description.sponsorshipCanadian International Development Agency
dc.description.sponsorshipPromoting Sustainable Agriculture in Borno State
dc.subjectSoil Fertility
dc.subjectPests Of Plants
dc.titleInfluence of nitrogen fertilization on yield and yield components of rainfed lowland NERIC rice in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria
dc.typeJournal Article
dc.description.versionPeer Review
cg.contributor.affiliationInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture
cg.contributor.affiliationMichael Okpara University of Agriculture
cg.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Agriculture, Makurdi
cg.coverage.regionWest Africa
cg.authorship.typesCGIAR and developing country institute
cg.iitasubjectGrain Legumes
cg.journalAfrican Journal of Agricultural Research
cg.howpublishedFormally Published
cg.accessibilitystatusLimited Access

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