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Effect of processing on the proximate, mineral, and pasting properties of whole flour made from some new plantain and banana hybrids pulp and peel mixture
The effect of processing on the proximate and mineral composition, as well as pasting properties of
whole flour produced from a selection of new Musa hybrids generated by the International Institute
ofTropical Agriculture (IITA) was investigated. Results show that blanching had signiftcant effect
(p<0.05) on the prortmatu composition, mineral contents and pasting properties of whole Musa
flour. However, there was no significant treatment effect (p>0.05) on the moisture, potassium and
zinc content of the flaur. Some of the pasting properties of the flour, including peak viscosity, final
viscosigt, setback viscosity and pasting time were not significantly dffirent (p>0.05) across various
treahnents used. This finding suggests that traditional method of peeling plantain and banana
fingers without blanching could be more beneficial based on the nutri.ent profiles, time and
resources required to accomplish the blanching process. Whole plantain and banana flour may
constitute an important feeding stuff for livestock, which may eventually provide protein in human
diet from consumption of meat and other products from livestock,