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What future for banana-based farming systems in Uganda? A participatory scenario analysis

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Ronner, E.
van de Ven, G.J.
Nowakunda, K.
Tugumisirize, J.
Kayiita, J.
Taulya, G.
Uckert, G.
Descheemaeker, K.
Review Status
Peer ReviewTarget Audience
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CONTEXT: Population pressure, land scarcity and encroachment of nature reserves are challenging sustainable intensification of agriculture in Uganda. One of the main staple crops in Uganda is East African Highland banana. Area expansion and improved management have enhanced the economic performance of banana, yet at the expense of food security, environmental and social sustainability. While a transition of banana-based farming systems to a more sustainable future seems necessary, the desired future state and pathways of getting there may differ among actors involved. OBJECTIVES: Our study aimed to co-design potential transition pathways with stakeholders along the banana value chain in Uganda, and to assess the effects of these pathways on sustainability indicators at the household level.
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https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12478/8193IITA Authors ORCID
Godfrey Taulyahttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-5690-0492
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